Episode 12
Mairi Rodgers reports on a group of west coast creel fishermen who are challenging the Scottish Government not to agree to a pilot scheme which would almost entirely ban mobile fishing.
The use of new national materials to teach personal education in the Western Isles has been the focus of much debate amongst, parents, church leaders and councillors.
Tha deasbad air a bhith a' leanntainn sna h-Eileanan an Iar mu ghoireasan foghlum ùra nà iseanta a tha teagasg cà irdeas, foghlam feise agus pà rantachd.
Tha deasbad air a bhith a’ leanntainn sna h-Eileanan an Iar mu ghoireasan foghlum ùra nà iseanta a tha teagasg cà irdeas, foghlam feise agus pà rantachd. Tha an goireas air a mholadh mar dhòigh air clann a threòrachadh tro saoghal a tha ag atharrachadh gu luath agus tha oifigich foghlum agus slà inte nan eilean taiceil dha. Ach, mar a tha Dòmhnall MacLaomainn ag aithris, chan eile a h-uile duine a’ cur fà ilte air agus buidheann creidimh, comhairlichean agus cuid de phà rantan den bheachd gu bheil e a’ putadh feallsanachd a tha tòrr mì-chomhartail leis agus nach eil na stuthan freagarrach airson gach aois is ìre.
Tha Mà iri Rodgers ag aithris air mar a tha buidheann de dh' iasgairean clèibh air a chosta an iar a' strì ri Riaghaltas na h-Alba 's iad air cead a' dhiùltadh sgeama pìleat a' stèidheachadh anns an Lighe Rathairseach a' chuireadh casg, cha mhòr uile gu lèir air iasgach leithid trà ladh agus dreidseadh.
Dh' fhoillsich an riaghaltas ro-ìnnleachd ùr air iasgach cladaich ann an 2015 's iad ag amas air dòighean-riaghlaidh a’ ghniomhachais ùrachadh agus a' dhèanamh nas maireannaiche. Tha Cùirt an t-Seisein a-nis air breithneachadh nach do rinn ministearan measadh ceart air plana na Lighe Rathairsich agus gu feum iad ath-bheachdachadh air. Ach tha iasgairean gluasadach a' rabhadh gun cuir am pìleat seo às dha am beò-shlaint.
The use of new national materials to teach personal education in the Western Isles has been the focus of much debate amongst parents, church leaders and councillors. RSHP is a new national programme for delivering relationship, sexual health and parenthood education to equip children to deal with a rapidly changing world. The materials have the support of local education and health officials, but, as Donald Lamont reports, they have been met with resistance from some parents, faith groups and local councillors who feel they are not age appropriate and promote a philosophy with which many are uncomfortable.
Mairi Rodgers reports on a group of west coast creel fishermen who are challenging a decision by the Scottish Government not to agree to a pilot scheme in the Inner Sound of Skye which would almost entirely ban mobile fishing, such as trawling and dredging. The government developed the Inshore Fisheries Strategy in 2015 to modernise and promote a well-managed inshore industry and to make it more sustainable. The Court of Session has since ruled that ministers did not properly assess the Inner Sound proposal and urged them to reconsider. However, the local mobile fishing fleet warn that this pilot scheme could risk their livelihood.
In Gaelic with English subtitles.
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Iasgach cladaich

Inshore fishing

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