Episode 15
Angela Maclean reports on the effect of the pandemic on refugees and asylum seekers in Glasgow.
Tha Angela Nic’Illeathain ag aithris mu bhuaidh a’ phandemic air luchd-siridh comraich agus fògarraich an Glaschu. Aig à m a’ chiad ghlasaidh chaidh mòran dhiubh a ghluasad gu taighean-òsta sa bhaile, airson an cumail sà bhailte ach dh’èirich draghan mun bhuaidh aige seo air slà inte-inntinn. Bliadhna bhon uairsin tha mòran fhathast anns na taighean-òsta agus tha draghan air nochdadh mu shuidheachadh cuid de bhoireannaich ann an ionad ùr mà thair is pà isde sa bhaile. Tha cumhachd ath-nuadhachail air sìor fhà s ann an Alba anns na bliadhnaichean mu dheireadh. Ach ciamar à s urrainn dhan Ghà idhealtachd agus na h-Eileanan brath a ghabhail air na goireasan nà darra a th’ aca ann am pailteas gus a bhith nam pà irt dhan ghnìomhachas? Tha ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ a’ tadhal air Arcaibh, a th’ air thoiseach air chà ch; Gà rradh Bà gh Eige far a bheilear ag obrachadh eadar roinnean; agus Leòdhas, far a bheil pròiseactan coimhearsnachd air a bhith gu math èifeachdach. Angela Maclean reports on the effect of the pandemic on refugees and asylum seekers in Glasgow. During the first lockdown many were moved into hotel accommodation for their safety and welfare but concerns emerged about the effect of this on their mental health. A year on many remain in hotels and further concerns have been raised about conditions in a new mother and baby unit in the city. The renewable energy industry has grown in Scotland over the years. But how can the Highlands and Islands harness the natural resources at their disposal to ensure they are part of the burgeoning industry? ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ visits Orkney, a world-leader in tidal power; Nigg Yard, which is working between sectors; and Lewis, where community projects have proven to be effective.
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Buaidh Covid air fògarraich is luchd-siridh comraich

How the Covid-19 pandemic has affected asylum seekers

Cumhachd ath-nuadhachail air a' Ghà idhealtachd agus sna h-Eileanan

Renewable energy in the Highlands and Islands

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