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Rangers v Celtic
Episode 15 of 19
Live football from the SWPL as Rangers face Celtic in the Glasgow derby at the Rangers Training Centre. Commentary and analysis from Ailig O’Henley and Suzanne Lappin.
Geama ball-coise beò bhon SWPL le Sgioba Rangers a’ dol an aghaidh Sgioba Celtic sa gheama mhòr baile Ghlaschu aig an Ionad-Trèanaidh Rangers. Aithris agus anailis bho Alex O’Henley agus Suzanne Lappin, air ´óÏó´«Ã½ ALBA a-mhà in.
Live football from the SWPL as Rangers face Celtic in the Glasgow derby at the Rangers Training Centre. Commentary and analysis from Ailig O’Henley and Suzanne Lappin.
Last on
Sun 23 May 2021
- Sun 23 May 2021 16:00