Cl脿r na seachdain bho Colin Macleod
Bidh Emma a' c貌mhradh ri Colin MacLe貌id mun chl脿r 霉r aige Hold Fast. Emma will be chatting to Colin Macleod about his new album, Hold Fast.
Tha sinn air a' chl脿r 霉r aig Colin MacLe貌id a thaghadh mar Chl脿r na Seachdain agus gheibh Emma facal air Colin be貌 air a' phr貌gram. 'S ann 脿 Eilean Le貌dhais a tha Colin agus bidh e ag innse dha Emma mar a sgr矛obh e an cl脿r ann an 霉ine gu math goirid, an ceangal l脿idir a th' aige leis an eilean agus mu bhith ag obair le Sheryl Crow. 脪rain eile ri thighinn bho Shambolics, Be Charlotte, Ace City Racers agus Skerryvore agus cuimhnich bh貌t a chuir a-steach air na sgeulachdan Instagram againn airson an 貌ran a b' fhe脿rr leibh a chluinntinn.
Our album of the week is Colin Macleod's new album Hold Fast, and Emma will be chatting to Colin live on the show. Colin is from the Isle of Lewis, and he'll be chatting about how quickly he wrote this album, his strong connection with the island and working with none other than Sheryl Crow. Shambolics, Be Charlotte, Ace City Racers and Skerryvore are all to come on the show tonight, and don't forget to vote on our Instagram stories for the song you'd like to hear on the show.
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- Wed 23 Jun 2021 19:00大象传媒 Radio nan G脿idheal