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Iagan MacNeil explores the Fife Coastal Path, from the Kincardine Bridge to Limekilns. Tha Iagan MacNèill a’coiseachd cladach Fìobha, a Drochaid Chinn Chàrdainn gu Limekilns.

Iagan MacNeil explores the history, geology, scenery - and Gaelic - from the Kincardine Bridge to Newburgh. The 117 mile-long route passes through industrial sites old and new, picturesque fishing towns in the East Neuk, St Andrews the home of golf, nature reserves and plenty of beautiful beaches.

Iagan starts off at the Kincardine Bridge, passing the now-decommissioned Longannet Power Station and the artificial island created from the ash it produced. He wanders through the historic village of Culross, and talks to Mairi Kidd about the only known grave site of someone accused of witchcraft in Scotland. He also visits the lime kilns in the cliffs at Charlestown and find out the history of this once vital industry at the Scottish Lime Centre, where he takes part in a demonstration of how the lime was made.

San t-sreath seo air Cuairt Chladach Fìobha, tha Iagan MacNèill a’coiseachd cladach Fìobha, a’lorg eachdraidh, creag-eòlais, seallaidhean agus freumhaichean Gàidhlig eadar Drochaid Chinn Chàrdainn agus Newburgh.

Tha ceud sa seachd-deug mìle coiseachd roimhe, tro làraich gnìomhachais sean is ùr, puirt iasgaich bhòidheach san Oisean an Ear, dachaigh a’ghoilf ann an Cill Rìmhinn, teàrmainn nàdair agus tràighean brèagha gu leòr.

‘Sa phrògram seo tha Iagan a’fàgail Drochaid Chinn Chàrdainn, is a’gabhail seachad air seann stèisean cumhachd Longannet. Siubhlaidh e tro sheann bhaile Chuilean Ros – agus innsidh Màiri Kidd dha càite bheil an aona uaigh air a bheil sgeul, aig tè a bha fo chasaid gu robh i ri buidseachd.

Tadhlaidh e cuideachd air na sùirn aoil anns na carraigean aig Charlestown: cluinnidh e eachdraidh na h-obrach is feuchaidh e fhèin oirre aig Ionad Aoil na h-Alba.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes


Tue 18 Mar 2025 20:30

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