Episode 1
Tha na seòid a’ gabhail sgrìob bhiortail gus blasad air biadh à taobh sear na Roinn Eòrpa. The lads take a virtual trip to cook Eastern European foods.
’S e deagh chòcairean a th’ anns na balaich. Air prògram an latha an-diugh, tha na seòid a’ feuchainn biadh bho thaobh sear na Roinn Eòrpa. Tha Ruaraidh a’ dèanamh Feòil-tunnaig Ròsta cuide ri bonnaich bhuntà ta. Tha e cuideachd a’ sealltainn mar a nithear am brot traidiseanta, Borscht. Tha Ùisdean ag ullachadh teanga cuide ri glasraich picilte agus Sailead Olivier, a gheibhear san Ruis. Airson deireadh gnothaich, tha e a’ dèanamh mìlsean às an Ucrà in – Solozhenik Ùbhlan.
The lads are keen domestic cooks. Today’s episode sees them cooking Eastern European food. Roddy makes a roast duck accompanied by potato dumplings. He also demonstrates a version of the classic Borscht soup. Meanwhile Uisdean cooks a tongue to be accompanied by pickled vegetables and the classic Russian Salad Olivier. To finish off he creates a Ukrainian dessert, Apple Solozhenik.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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Tha reasabaidh dìomhair aig Ùisdean!
Duration: 01:12
Tha Ruaraidh ag ullachadh borscht
Duration: 03:20
Prògram 1 (Sreath 6)

300g biatas rùisgte, air a bhleith
1 uinnean
50g ìm
1 curran
1 soilire, air a ghearradh
1 leigeas
1.5 liotair stoc feòil-mhairt
2 bhuntà ta, rùisgte agus air a ghearradh
½ cà l, air a bhleith
4 clòbhan creamha, air a phronnadh
2 spà inn-mhòr fìon-gheur ubhail
1 spà inn-bheag siùcar
Bloigh Allspice
1 duilleag-labhrais
2-3 slisean chorizo
1 spà inn-bheag dile air a ghearradh
Uachdar goirt
Piobar dubh
- Leagh an t-ìm ann am pana, agus cuir an t-uinnean ris agus leig leis bogachadh.
- Cuir an curran, leigeas, soilire, Allspire agus an duilleag-labhrais ris.
- Leig leis fuarachadh airson 10 mionaidean.
- Cuir an t-stoc, am buntà ta, an creamh, an cà l agus am biatas ris.
- Cuir an t-siùcar ris agus seà san leis an t-salann agus am piobar. Cuir an fhìon-gheur ris.
- Leig leis bruich airson 20-30 mionaidean.
- Nuair a tha e deiseil, cuir chorizo air a fhraidhigeadh ris.
- Gabh leis an dile agus spà inn-mhòr de dh’uachdar goirt agus na croutons.
1 tunnag slà n
50g ìm
Sìol carabhaidh
- Teasaich an à mhainn gu 180C.
- Cuir an t-ìm am broinn na tunnaig.
- Suath craiceann na tunnaig le ola.
- Seà san le salann, piobar agus sìol carabhaidh.
- Ròst san à mhainn airson uair a thìde.
- Às dèidh uair a thìde, thoir às an à mhainn.
- Thoir beagan dhen gheir bhon t-soitheach mus tionndaidhear an fheòil-tunnaig agus till dhan à mhainn.
- Ma tha cus geir fhathast sa phana, dh’fhaodar an tunnag a chur gu soitheach eile.
- Gabhaidh a’ gheir a chumail airson buntà ta a ròstadh.
- Seà san le salann, piobar agus sìol carabhaidh agus till dhan à mhainn.
- Ròst airson timcheall air 30 mionaid eile, a’ dèanamh gu bheil an tunnag air a deagh bhruich.
500g buntà ta, tha Maris Piper math airson seo
3 uighean
Flùr, gu leòr airson taois a dhèanamh leis a’ bhuntà ta
Piobar dubh
- Bruich am buntà ta san rùsg, ann am bùrn sà illte, gus a bheil iad bog
- Rùisg iad agus pronn iad, no cuir ann an inneal-rìs agus cuir ann am bobhla mòr.
- Cuir na h-uighean a-steach leis a’ bhuntà ta.
- Seà san le salann agus piobar agus measgaich gu math.
- Measgaich am flùr na mheasg gus a bheil e na thaois.
- Dust am bòrd le flùr agus dèan cearcaill dhen taois, gan còmhdach le flùr san dol seachad.
- Thoir bùrn chun a’ ghoil agus seà san le salann.
- Cuir na bonnaich dhan bhùrn agus leig leotha goil air an socair airson timcheall air 30 mionaid.
1 cà l geal, air a bhleith
Bloigh salainn
Bloigh siùcair
250 fìon-geur ubhail
1 duilleag-labhrais
1 ubhal ithe, air a ghearradh gu mìn
- Thoir na gritheidean chun a’ ghoil còmhla ann am bùrn air a sheà sanadh airson timcheall air 15 mionaidean.
- Thoir far an teas agus cur tro shìoltachan.
- Cuir beagan dhen gheir bhon fheòil-tunnaig troimhe, cuide ris an ubhal.
- Seà san le piobar dubh.
- Le teanga feòil-mhairt ùr, sà ill airson co-dhiù aon latha agus nigh gu math.
- Bruich airson 3 uairean a thìde ann an court-bouillon (ròs-Mhoire, creamh, soilire agus glasraich sam bith eile ri là imh)
- Leig leis fuarachadh agus thoir an craiceann dheth mus tèid an teanga a ghearradh na shlisean.
Là n dùirn de bhuntà ta ùra, air an gearradh nan cairtealan agus air am bruich
Snèap le mullach purpaidh, air a ghearradh
Seilearag, air a ghearradh
Curran, air a ghearradh
Pònairean-ruith, air an sgioblachadh
Peasairean reòite, air an aiteamh
Soilire, air a ghearradh
2 ugh bruich
1 uinnean dearg
Na thogras de dhile
Na thogras de chapairean
½ cùlair
Na thogras de ghiorcan
- Leth-bhruich an glasraich agus fà g iad ann am bòbhla là n deigh.
- Cuir am buntà ta ann am bòbhla.
- Geà rr leth dhen t-uinnean na shlisean mìn. Geà rr an dà rna leth na shlisean nas tighe.
- Geà rr tro na h-uighean bruich agus thoir am buidheagan à s.
- Bris na gealagain nam pìosan beaga dhan bhòbhla.
- Dòirt an t-uachdar saileid air a mhuin agus measgaich gu math.
2 bhuidheagan bruich
2 spà inn-mhòr sgeallan Sasannach
150ml uachdar dùbailte
150ml ola chroinn-ola
3 spà inn-mhòr fìon-gheur fìon geal
1 spà inn-mhòr siùcar castair
Bloigh salainn
Bloigh piobar geal
Sùgh ½ liomaid
- Bleith na buidheagain, an sgeallan, fìon-gheur, siùcar, salann, piobar agus sùgh liomaid le chèile.
- Cuir an ola chroinn-ola ris beag air bheag agus cùm a’ dol le bhith ga bhleith.
- Cuir an t-uachdar ris beag air bheag agus bleith gus a bheil a h-uile cà il air a dheagh mheasgachadh.
Currain, air an gearradh nam maidean
Uinnean dearg, air a ghearradh na shlisean mìn
Cùlaran, air a ghearradh na shlisean mìn
Sìol sgeallain
Dile tioram
Sìol carabhaidh
Fìon-gheur brachaidh
- Cuir na gritheidean gu lèir ann an cnogan leis a’ mhullach air. Cuir dhan fhuaradar gus a bheilear deiseil a chleachdadh.
100g flùr plèan
100g ìm
200ml bainne
100-150ml uachdar (timcheall air 300ml dhen bhainne agus an t-uachdar còmhla)
3 uighean leis a’ ghealagan agus am buidheagan air an sgaradh
50g siùcar castair
1 spà inn-mhòr siùcar bog, donn
3 ùbhlan, measgachadh, no ùbhlan-ithe dearg no uaine
Druthag branndaidh
Rùsg 1 liomaid, air a bhleith
- Rùisg, thòir am meadhan asta agus geà rr na h-ùbhlan. Fraidhig ann an cnap ime gus am bogaich iad. Cuir an t-siùcar bog, donn agus am branndaidh ris.
- Buail an t-ìm agus an t-siùcar castair ann am bòbhla gus am bogaich iad.
- Tòisich ris an rùsg liomaid, am bainne, an t-uachdar agus am flùr a chur ris beag air bheag airson taois meadhanach sruthach a dhèanamh.
- Teasaich cnap ime ann am pana agus fraidhig na foileagan gus a bheil dath òir air gach taobh dhiubh.
- Cuir na foileagan gu aon taobh.
- Fhad ’s a tha na foileagan gu aon taobh, buail na gealagain leis an t-siùcar gus an tig goban bog air.
- Gus an t-Solozhenik a thogail, cuir pà ipear-fuine air trèidhe-à mhainn.
- Cuir na h-ùbhlan air muin na foileagan gus trì ìrean a dhèanamh.
- Còmhdaich leis am meringue.
- Ròst san à mhainn aig 180C gus an tig dath òir air a’ mheringue.
300g peeled beetroot, grated
1 onion,
50g butter
1 carrot
1 celery, diced
1 leek
1.5 litres beef stock
2 potatoes, peeled and diced
½ cabbage, shredded
4 crushed cloves of garlic
2 tbsp cider vinegar
1 tsp sugar
Pinch of Allspice
1 bay leaf
2-3 slices Chorizo
1 tsp chopped dill
Sour cream
Black pepper
- Melt the butter in a pan, add the onion until it has softened.
- Add diced carrots, leek, celery, Allspice and bay leaf.
- Continue to cook for 10 minutes.
- Add stock, potatoes, garlic, cabbage, beetroot.
- Add sugar, season with salt and pepper and add vinegar.
- Allow to cook for 20 – 30 minutes.
- After it has cooked, add some fried chorizo.
- Serve with dill and a dollop of sour cream & croutons.
1 whole duck
50g butter
Caraway seeds
- Preheat the oven at 180.
- Place butter into duck cavity.
- Rub outside of the skin with oil.
- Season with salt and pepper and caraway seeds.
- Cook in the oven for 1 hour.
- After an hour, remove from the oven.
- Remove some of the fat from the pan before turning the duck and returning to the oven.
- If there is too much fat still in the pan, you can transfer the duck to another roasting dish.
- Fat can be reserved for roasting potatoes.
- Season with salt, pepper and caraway seeds and return to the oven.
- Continue to roast for another 30 minutes, approximately. Ensuring the duck is thoroughly cooked through.
500g potatoes, Maris Piper work well
3 eggs
Flour, enough to bring the potato mix to a dough consistency.
Black pepper
- Boil the potatoes in their skins, in salted water, until soft.
- Peel and rice or mash the potatoes into a large bowl.
- Break the eggs in with the potatoes.
- Season with salt and pepper and mix well.
- Mix the flour in until it forms a dough consistency.
- Dust table with flour and shape the dough into rounds, coating them with flour as you form the rounds.
- Boil water in a pan and season with salt.
- Place the dumplings in the pan and allow to boil gently for 30 minutes approximately.
1 white cabbage, shredded
Pinch salt
Pinch sugar
250ml cider vinegar
1 bay leaf
1 eating apple, finely chopped.
- Bring all ingredients to the boil in seasoned water for approximately 15 minutes.
- Take off the boil and strain.
- Mix through some fat that was reserved from the duck, along with the apple.
- Season with black pepper.
- Take a freshly removed cow tongue, salt for at least a day and wash well.
- Boil for 3 hours in a court bullion, (rosemary, garlic, celery, and any other vegetables you have to hand.)
- Allow to cool and remove the skin before slicing the tongue.
Handful of new potatoes, quartered and boiled.
Purple top turnip, roughly chopped.
Celeriac, roughly chopped.
Carrot, roughly chopped.
Runner beans, trimmed.
Frozen peas, defrosted.
Celery, roughly chopped.
2 hard boiled eggs
1 red onion
Chopped dill to taste
Capers taste
½ Cucumber
Gherkins to taste.
- Par boil the vegetables and place them in a bowl of ice.
- Put the potatoes in a bowl.
- Finely slice half the onion, lengthways. Chop the half in thinker slices.
- Add raw onion to the bowl along with the vegetables.
- Gently cut through the white of the eggs, to remove the yolks.
- Breaks the whites of the eggs, into small pieces and into the bowl.
- Pour the salad cream over the salad and mix well.
2 eggs, hard-boiled, yolks only
2 tbsp English mustard
150 ml double cream
150 ml olive oil
3 tbsp White wine vinegar
1 tbsp castor sugar
Pinch of salt
Pinch of white pepper
Juice of ½ lemon
- Blitz egg yolks, mustard, vinegar, sugar, salt & pepper & lemon juice
- Add the olive oil gradually and continue blitzing.
- Add the cream gradually and blitz well until all the ingredients are incorporated.
Carrots, roughly sliced in batons
Red onion, finely sliced
Cucumber, thinly sliced
Bay leaf
Mustard seeds
Dill dried
Caraway seeds
Malt vinegar
- Put all the ingredients in a jar with lid on. Put into the fridge until you are ready to serve them.
100 g plain flour
100g butter
200ml milk
100 – 150ml cream (approx. 300ml of milk and cream mixture)
3 egg separated
50g Caster sugar
1 t bsp soft brown sugar
3 apples, mix or red and green eating apples
Dash of brandy
Rind of 1 lemon, grated
- Peel, core and roughly dice the apples. Fry them in a knob of butter until soft. Add the brown and brandy.
- Beat butter and caster sugar in a bowl until soft.
- Start incorporating the lemon zest, milk, cream and flour in stages to get a runny mixture.
- Heat knob of butter in pan, and fry the pancakes till golden on each side.
- Set the pancakes aside.
- Meanwhile, whip the egg whites with sugar till they form soft peaks.
- To build the Solozhenik, lay parchment paper on a baking tray.
- Layer the pancakes and apples to make three layers.
- Coat the layers with the meringue mixture.
- Bake in the oven at 180 degrees until the meringue begins to turn golden. 
- Thu 23 Sep 2021 22:00
- Sun 26 Sep 2021 00:25