Episode 8
Murdo Macdonald explores the Japanese Garden at Cowden. Murchadh Dòmhnallach a’cur eòlas air Gà rradh Siapanach Cowden faisg air Dollar.
Green-fingered Murdo Macdonald visits some of the country’s most important gardens to explore their design, plant-life, setting and history.
He visits the Japanese Garden at Cowden near Stirling and finds out about the two women who created the garden at the turn of the 20th century - Ella Christie and Taki Handa. The garden was badly vandalised in the 1960s, so Ella’s great, great niece tells Murdo what was involved in reconstructing the garden. He’ll also learn more about the cultural significance of the Japanese design of the garden.
Roddy Maclean tells us about the importance of moss and Dr Mark Newman of The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh explains why trees turn such beautiful colours in the autumn.
Tha gà irneilear sgileil, Murchadh Dòmhnallach, a’ tadhal air cuid de ghà rraidhean mòra na h-Alba, a’coimhead air an cruth, na tha fàs unnta agus an eachdraidh.
Sa phrògram seo tha Murchadh a’tadhal air Gà rradh Siapanach Cowden, aig Dollar faisg air Sruighlea. Cluinnidh e mun dithis bhoirionnach a chruthaich e, trà th san fhicheadamh linn, Ella Christie agus Taki Handa. Rinn eucoraich droch mhilleadh air a’ghà rradh sna trì ficheadan, agus innsidh iar-ogha brà thair Ella Christie do Mhurchadh mun t-saothair a bh’aca ga chruthachadh as ùr. Gheibh e mach cuideachd cho cudromach sa tha cruth is cumadh gà rraidh ann an dualchas Siapan.
Innsidh Ruairidh MacIlleathain dhuinn cho cudromach sa tha còinneach, agus mìnichidh an t-Oll. Mark Newman bho Ghà rradh Luibheanach Rìoghail Dhùn-Èidinn dè’s coireach gu bheil duilleach nan craobh ag atharrachadh dath as t-fhoghar.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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The Murchadh a' tadhal air tìr nan òg!
Duration: 01:19
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Murdo Macdonald |
Producer | Julie McCrone |
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