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Cathy NicDhòmhnaill le taghadh de chòisirean a sheinn na bu thràithe air an fheasgar. Featuring some of the choirs who performed at the showcase of choral musical talent.

Bidh Cathy NicDhòmhnaill a toirt sùil air ais air Mòdan tro na bliadhnaichean le taghadh de na còisirean a bhuannaich nam prìomh dhuaisean. Cluinnear òrain bho na °äò¾±²õ¾±°ù±ð²¹²Ô Sgìreil a thog Sgiath MhicShimidh agus Thulaich Bhàrdainn, Cuach Cuimhneachan Mairead NicDhonnchaidh agus Geall-dùbhlain Esme Nic a’ Ghobhainn thairis air an ùine dh’fhalbh. Bidh i cuideachd a’ còmhradh ri aoighean sònraichte 's iad a' cuimhneachadh air an spòrs agus an tlachd a th'ann a bhith a’ seinn ann an còisirean. Cluinnear measgachadh de chòisirean a sheinn tron t-seachdain aig Cùirt Eden ann an Inbhir Nis aig cuirm-chiùil shònraichte le còisirean Gàidhlig bho air feadh na dùthcha. Am measg nan còisirean a bhitheas a’ seinn cluinnear Còisir Ghàidhlig an Ã’bain, Inbhir Pheofharain, Na Lochan, Inbhir Nis, Inbhir Narann, Muile, Obar Dheathain agus Lodainn.
Cathy MacDonald presents the final show featuring performances from the Inverness Royal National Mod. She is joined by special guests to recall the fun and enjoyment of singing in choirs and introduces a selection of songs from a variety of Gaelic choirs who displayed their rich repertoire at several concerts over the last few days. Choirs taking part include Oban Gaelic Choir, Dingwall, Lochs, Inverness, Nairn, Mull, Aberdeen and Lothian Gaelic Choirs. Cathy will also introduce a selection of the top award winning choirs from previous Mods with emphasis on the Area and District Choirs who have collected the Lovat and Tullibardine Shield, the Margaret Robertson Memorial Trophy, the Sheriff MacMaster Campbell Memorial Quaich and the Lorn Shield.

2 hours

Last on

Fri 15 Oct 2021 21:00


  • Fri 15 Oct 2021 21:00