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Episode 2

Suzie meets other families affected by the contaminated blood scandal.

Bhàsaich athair Suzie Roberts le AIDS ann an 1990, às dèidh dha HIV fhaighinn bho stuthan fala a chaidh a thoirt dha mar leigheas air haemophilia. Aig an àm, cha robh dad a dh’fhios aig Suzie neo a màthair gun robh uidhir de theaghlaichean eile air an tug seo buaidh agus fios mu na thachair ga chleith. Tha sgrùdadh a’ dol an-dràsta ann an Sasainn mu ciamar a fhuair uidhir de dhaoine an droch fhuil seo, ag atharrachadh am beatha agus beatha an cuid theaghlaichean gu brath.

’S ann nuair a chaidh faighneachd dha Suzie fianais sgrìobhte a thoirt seachad don sgrùdadh seo a bhuail e oirre nach do chaoidh i a h-athair gu ceart a-riamh. Sa phrògram seo de dh’·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹, airson na ciad uaireach na beatha, tha Suzie a’ coinneachadh ri daoine eile air an tug an sgrios seo buaidh, a’ cluinntinn nan sgeulachadan acasan agus ag innse dhaibhsan a sgeulachd-se.

Suzie Roberts’ father, John, died from AIDS in 1990 after having contracted HIV from contaminated blood products, intended to treat his haemophilia. At the time, Suzie and her mother had no idea that so many other families were similarly affected as events were hidden from them. There is an inquiry taking place in England examining the circumstances surrounding how so many people received contaminated blood and contaminated blood products.

After having been asked to give written evidence to the inquiry, Suzie realised that she has never properly grieved her father’s death as she was conditioned for so long not to talk about it, such was the stigma surrounding HIV and AIDS. In this programme, Suzie meets for the first time other people affected by the contaminated blood scandal, hearing their stories and sharing her own story with them.

2 months left to watch

29 minutes


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