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Calum Cille: An Naomh Dana/Columba - The Bold Saint

He was at the centre of a bloody battle and founded a monastery that became a beacon of civilisation in the Early Middle Ages. But who was Colmcille, the Irish abbot also known as St Columba?

He was at the centre of a bloody battle and founded a monastery that became a beacon of civilisation in the Early Middle Ages. He is even said to have taken on the Loch Ness monster. But who was Colmcille, the Irish abbot also known as St Columba? Born in AD 521, his exploits as poet, scribe, politician, warrior and holy man became notorious throughout Ireland and Scotland.

This revealing new documentary, broadcast on the 1500th anniversary of his birth, explores the man, the myth and his legacy today.

Bha e aig teis-mheadhan bl脿r fuilteach agus st猫idhich e manachainn a th脿inig gu bhith na solas-i霉il s矛obhaltais sna Meadhan Aoisean Tr脿tha. Tha e ri r脿dh mu dheidhinn cuideachd gun robh e an s脿s ann an Uile-bh猫ist Loch Nis.

Ach c貌 a bha ann an Calum Cille, an t-aba 脠ireannach, a bha aithnichte ann an Alba mar an Naomh Calum Cille? Rugadh e ann an 521RC, agus dh鈥檉h脿s e ainmeil air feadh 脠irinn agus Alba airson a shaothair mar bh脿rd, sgr矛obhaiche, neach poilitigs, laoch agus naomh.

Tha am pr貌gram 霉r aithriseach seo a chaidh a chraoladh air an l脿 a bha a鈥� comharrachadh an l脿 a rugadh e o chionn m矛le is c貌ig cheud (1500) bliadhna a鈥� rannsachadh an duine, an sgeula mu dheidhinn agus an d矛leab a dh鈥檉h脿g e againn.

59 minutes

Last on

Sun 27 Oct 2024 21:00


Role Contributor
Narrator Shona Henderson
Executive Producer Seumas Mactaggart
Executive Producer Margaret Cameron
Producer Joanna Young
Producer Keith O'Grady
