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Can I take HRT forever & hydration myths

Can you take HRT forever? James Gallagher balances the risks and benefits of long-term use. And what's the best way to keep hydrated? James busts the common myths.

Can you take hormone replacement therapy - HRT - for forever? Three women talk about their different experiences of how they managed the menopause. We balance the risks and the benefits of HRT to see who might be able to take it for the long-term.

And do you know how much water should you drink? If you said 2 litres or six-to-eight glasses a day then you may be in for a surprise.

PRESENTER: James Gallagher
PRODUCER: Beth Eastwood

Available now

28 minutes

Last on

Wed 16 Feb 2022 15:30


  • Tue 15 Feb 2022 21:00
  • Wed 16 Feb 2022 15:30

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