Episode 1
Gregor takes on grannie’s recipe for rhubarb and orange jam, using his own home-grown rhubarb.
Gregor MacLeod inherited his grannie’s old cookery book. She had written down over 50 recipes by hand and Gregor has set himself the challenge of cooking his way through them.
Gregor takes on grannie’s recipe for rhubarb and orange jam, using his own home-grown rhubarb. Her trifle recipe also catches Gregor’s eye but he can’t resist putting his own spin on it with amaretti biscuits.
Liver is perhaps not quite as fashionable these days but Gregor attempts grannie’s recipe for liver casserole. He talks to his neighbour, once the village butcher, about how commonly it was eaten and gives his verdict on the finished dish.
Gregor’s uncle hears there is baking going and calls in for a ceilidh to try Gregor’s oatcakes. He remembers his mother’s cooking well so if anyone’s going to know whether Gregor is doing her recipes justice – it’s him.
Fhuair Griogar MacLeòid seann leabhar còcaireachd a sheanmhair mar dhìleab: comhairle na là mh-sgrìobhaidh fhèin air còrr is lethcheud dinnear is greim blasta a dhèanamh. Tha Griogar a’ cur roimhe a’ dol tron a leabhar a’ feuchainn orra.
Sa phrògram seo nì e an t-sili a’ mhol i, le ruadhbhà rr is orainds. Tha e a’ feuchainn air an trifle aice cuideachd - ach cuiridh e a dhreach fhèin air, le briosgaidean amaretti.
‘S dòch’ nach eil grùthan uabhasach fasanta an-diugh, ach tha Griogar ga bhruich mar a bha granaidh a’ moladh. Cluinnidh e bho a nà baidh, seann bhùidsear a’ bhaile, mu cho tric sa bhathar uairigin ga ithe, is bheir a nà baidh dha a bheachd air an annlan.
Tha brà thair athar Ghriogar a’ tadhal a dh’fheuchainn aran-corca. Tha deagh chuimhne aigesan air còcaireachd a mhà thar - ma thuigeas duine an d’rinn Griogar am biadh cho math rithe, seo è.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Gregor Macleod |
Director | Ramsay MacMahon |
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