Episode 4
Gregor makes his grannie’s gingerbread and classic Scottish tablet, and adds his own flair to her fishcake recipe.
Gregor MacLeod inherited his grannie’s old cookery book. In it she had written down over 50 recipes by hand and Gregor has set himself the challenge of cooking his way through them.
He takes on grannie’s version of gingerbread and her recipe for classic Scottish tablet. Gregor’s cousin Flora calls in to taste the gingerbread and she tells him of her memories of grannie making tablet at the stove.
To find out more about cooking in the family, he talks to his auntie Ann and borrows a pudding bowl from her. This will come in handy for grannie’s recipe for steamed apple dumpling. Shaking things up, Gregor takes grannie’s recipe for fishcakes and adds his own flair. He smokes his own fish over a bed of woodchips, herbs and pink peppercorns before flaking it through mashed potato to make the fishcakes. He serves them with his own home-made tartare sauce.
Fhuair Griogar MacLeòid seann leabhar còcaireachd a sheanmhair mar dhìleab: comhairle na là mh-sgrìobhaidh fhèin air còrr is lethcheud dinnear is greim blasta a dhèanamh. Tha Griogar a’ cur roimhe a’ dol tron a leabhar a’ feuchainn orra. Sa phrògram seo feuchaidh e dòigh a sheanmhair air aran dinnseir a dhèanamh, agus cuideachd suiteas tablet. Tha tè dhe chà irdean, Flòraidh, a’ tadhal a dh’fheuchainn na rinn e - tha deagh chuimhn’ aice-se air granaidh aig an stòbh. Cluinnidh e barrachd mu chòcaireachd san teaghlach bho Anna piuthar a’ mhà thar is gheibh e iasad bobhla mìlsein bhuaipe, a bhios math airson an duf ubhail aig granaidh a bhruich. Bheir e sùil air mar a rinn ise bonnaich èisg agus cuiridh e a dhreach fhèin orra. Smocaidh e an èisg os cionn grìosach fiodha, lusan is fras phìobair, ga mheasgadh an luib buntà ta prann agus ga chur air an truinnsear le sabhs tartare a nì e fhèin.
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Gregor Macleod |
Director | Ramsay MacMahon |
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