A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Rev Grace Thomas.
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Rev Grace Thomas
Good morning.
Today is the 88th day of 2022. I know this because it is also world piano day, a day always celebrated on the 88th day of the year, to represent the number of keys on a piano.
I am blessed to have a piano at home that belonged to my husband鈥檚 grandma. It is the source of many memories for my husband鈥檚 family, and, with us, new memories have been formed as our children have learnt to play. It is more than a musical instrument. It holds stories of many beloved people and brings together generations. It stands in our living room as a reminder of both the joy of music and the connections and emotions that are experienced through its playing.
I was, therefore, moved to tears a couple of weeks ago when I saw a video that went viral of professional Ukrainian pianist Irina Maniukina, brushing dirt off her piano, in her bombed out home, and playing it for possibly the last time before she fled. The devastation of war and loss was articulated powerfully as the keys of the piano - which had probably been played and practised on for years - produced a melody conveying emotion that transcended language. As I watched Irina play, I was powerfully reminded of the gift of music, and the way in which it is a medium that can convey joy, pain, worship and lament.
Loving God, be with all today who are fleeing war, leaving so much of themselves and their histories behind. May we cherish the gift of music, that enables emotions and stories to be told in ways more powerful than words. May music be a source of hope, meaning and restoration.