Episode 1
Kate Macleod, The Hebridean Mermaid, takes us on a journey to some of the hidden gems of the Hebrides.
Tha Kate Nicleòid, maighdeann-mhara Innse Gall, gar toirt air turas gu cuid de na ceà rnaidhean à lainn nach eil cho aithnichte sna h-Eileanan an Iar agus bidh i a’ coinneachadh ri seanchaidhean le sgeulachdan iongantach mu na h-à iteachan air a bheil i gu math dèidheil, os cionn agus fon uisge.
Anns a’ chiad phrògram, tha Kate a’ tadhal air à ite iomallach ann an sgìre Ùig air Taobh Siar Eilean Leòdhais. Ann an cuideachd fear às an sgìre, Calum MacGillEain, tha i a’ dol air turas gu ceann Loch Thamnabhaigh. ’S ann an seo a tha i ag ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn nam Fir Tà ileisg prìseil, ainmeil, bho linn nan Lochlannach, a thà inig an seo an toiseach a-rèir beul-aithris, mus deach an lorg gu ceart air trà igh Eadar Dha Fhadhail.
Tha Kate cuideachd a’ tadhal air Eilean na Sgarp, coimhearsnachd a bha gu math beòthail uaireigin, le teaghlaichean a’ fuireach an sin là n ùine ag obair na talmhainn agus ag iasgach aig muir. Gu mì-fhortanach, dh’ fhà g na h-eileanaich mu dheireadh ann an naoi ceud deug seachdad ’s a h-aon. ’S ann an seo a tha Kate ag ionnsachadh pìos eachdraidh iongantach. Seach gur ann ainneamh a bha cuirp air an tilleadh dhachaigh aig à m a’ chogaidh, tha e gu math inntinneach gu bheil uaigh cogaidh air an eilean.
Tha Kate cuideachd a’ dol a shnà mh ann an aon de na h-à iteachan as fheà rr leatha, agus leis am monofin aice, tha i a’ gluasad tron uisge gun strì sam bith, a’ toirt a-steach a’ bhòidhchead timcheall oirre. Tha i air a bhith snà mh fad a beatha, ach tha i a’ faighinn tòrr tlachd às na tha i a’ faicinn fon mhuir, an cois nam buannachdan a thaobh slà inte bodhaig agus inntinn.
Kate Macleod, The Hebridean Mermaid, takes us on a journey to some of the hidden gems of the Hebrides, meeting tradition bearers with remarkable stories about the places she loves to visit the most, above and below the water.
In episode one, Kate visits a remote part of Uig on the west coast of the Isle of Lewis. In the company of local Malcolm Maclean, they journey to the head of Loch Hamnaway. It is here she learns about the well-known and treasured Uig Chessmen, a Viking chess set, which according to local legend arrived here first, before being properly discovered on Ardroil beach.
Kate also visits the island of Scarp, which was once a thriving community, with many families living there full time, immersed in working the land and fishing at sea. Sadly, the last islanders left in 1971. It is here Kate learns an amazing piece of local history. With it being very rare for bodies to be returned home from war, it is a point of interest that there is a war grave on the island.
Kate also goes swimming at one of her favourite spots, and with her monofin she glides effortlessly through the water taking in the beauty of her surroundings. Sea swimming is something she has been doing all her life and the rewards of entering the underwater world are immense, not to mention the benefits to physical and mental health.
In Gaelic with English subtitles.
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Kate Macleod |
Executive Producer | Margaret Mary Murray |
Producer | Peter Macqueen |
Production Manager | Marion Maclean |
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