Spell Songs
Luchd-ciùil Spell Songs le cuirm sònraichte bho Celtic Connections. Spell Songs musicians give a special performance at Celtic Connections.
Cuirm-ciùil sònraichte. Còmhlan Spell Songs a’ toirt nà dar, bà rdachd, ealain agus draoidheachd gu à rd-ùrlar Talla Consairt Ghlaschu. Ann an clà radh a chaidh a dhèanamh aig Celtic Connections, tha luchd-èisteachd air am beò-ghlacdadh leis a’ còmhlan Spell Songs agus am peantair Jackie Morris, ’s iad a’ dèanamh moladh air nà dar bhon à rd-ùrlar agus a’ toirt am beachdan fhèin air pròiseact a tha cho sònraichte dhaibh.
The Spell Songs band brings nature, poetry, art, and magic to the stage of the concert hall in Glasgow. Recorded during Celtic Connections, the Spell Songs band, along with painter Jackie Morris, delight an audience and celebrate nature onstage and offer their thoughts on a project that they hold dear.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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