Episode 4
Kate makes her way to Berneray and meets with locals such as Donald MacLean, who explains what life was like there in days gone by.
Tha Kate Nicleòid, maighdeann-mhara Innse Gall, gar toirt air turas gu cuid de na ceà rnaidhean à lainn nach eil cho aithnichte sna h-Eileanan an Iar agus bidh i a’ coinneachadh ri seanchaidhean le sgeulachdan iongantach mu na h-à iteachan air a bheil i gu math dèidheil, os cionn agus fon uisge.
Anns a’ cheathramh prògram, tha Kate a’ dèanamh air Beà rnaraigh na Hearadh agus a’ tachairt ri muinntir an à ite, nam measg, Dòmhnall MacIllEathain a tha ag innse dhi mu dhòigh-beatha an à ite sna là ithean a dh’fhalbh, agus mu dheidhinn am fuamhaire ainmeil, Aonghas Mòr MacAsgaill, a rinn beòshlaint le cho à rd ’s a bha e – seachd troighean ’s naoi òirleach!
Tha i a’ cluinntinn sgeulachdan mu bheatha Ruairidh Sheathaich agus e na bhalach òg a’ fàs suas ann am Beà rnaraigh ’s a’ dol do dh’ à rd-sgoil sna Hearadh, am measg seanchas inntinneach mu chruth-tìre an eilein.
Tha i cuideachd a’ dèanamh oidhirp snà mh cuide ri na ròin agus bidh i ann an caidheag air a’ mhuir mu thimcheall An Trà igh Iar – an trà igh eireachdail a chaidh ainmeachadh bho chionn ghoirid mar an trà igh as bòidhche anns an Roinn Eòrpa.
Kate Macleod, The Hebridean Mermaid, takes us on a journey to some of the hidden gems of the Hebrides, meeting tradition bearers with remarkable stories about the places she loves to visit the most, above and below the water.
In episode four, Kate makes her way to Berneray and meets with locals such as Donald MacLean, who explains what life was like there in days gone by. He shares the story of Angus MacAskill, who made a living from his giant height - all seven foot, nine inches of him!
Roddy Shaw shares his story of growing up on Berneray and attending high school in Harris, as well as some interesting folklore about the landscape of the island. Kate attempts to swim with seals and also kayaks around the shores of the stunning West Beach, which was recently named the most beautiful beach in Europe.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Kate Macleod |
Executive Producer | Margaret Mary Murray |
Production Manager | Marion Maclean |
Producer | Peter Macqueen |
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