A reflection and prayer to start the day with the Rt Revd Mary Stallard, Assistant Bishop in Bangor.
A reflection and prayer to start the day with the Rt Revd Mary Stallard, Assistant Bishop in Bangor.
Good morning. Today’s an ordinary Thursday on many calendars although as a child I remember it being special, with sometimes a half-day holiday. Ascension Day’s a Christian festival, forty days after Easter, when the Bible tells how the risen Jesus met with a group of his followers on a mountain before ‘ascending’ to heaven - disappearing from their sight. That meeting marked a departure, a change in relationship. For one last time Jesus’ friends physically encountered their leader and teacher before he sent them on to continue his work, promising that he’d always be with them, but in a new way. One of the details of the Gospel story that’s always struck me, is where it says that Jesus’ followers included those who believed and those with questions, or who doubted; and yet all of them are given words of encouragement and sent out as part of his team.
I also love that the story’s set on the mountainside. There’ll be churches today holding services in high places - on towers or outside on hill-tops. Where I live, close to Snowdonia, it’s easy to see how mountains are places of wonder and challenge. Being up in the hills can give a great view and a new perspective, but the process of climbing up and getting down can be tough. Our lives are also full of highs and lows, of new encounters and farewells, of sorrows and joys. On special days like this it’s helpful to reflect upon our lives and choices, to consider how we might need encouragement ourselves, or offer this to others.
God of all, thank you that you’re always with us, throughout the journey of our lives, in trouble and in joy help us to recognise your presence and to be signs of your hope. Amen.