Chilean Plants on Bute, Gigha Cycle Trail and the Orcadians of Hudson Bay
Mark Stephen and Euan McIlwraith with stories from the great outdoors.
Last Saturday saw the return of the Kessock Ferry Swim, a community event that was last run back in 1968. Hundreds of people took part in the swim between South and North Kessock across the Beauly Firth. Wendy McCredie went along to chat to organiser Johannes Peterson to find out more about the event鈥檚 history.
At Mount Stuart House and Gardens on the Isle of Bute, head gardener Graham Alcorn has been working with two Chilean tree engineers as part of the International Conifer Conservation project. Maud Start headed to a rather rainy Bute to find out why Chilean plant species do so well there.
And during his holidays Euan visited Gigha. He explored the new cycle trail on his e-bike and came across a stone with a rather dark past.
At the Royal Highland Show last week Mark and Euan鈥檚 attention was caught by a stand being run by the Rowett Institute all about hemp. They discover the properties of this interesting plant and how it can be grown widely in Scotland.
Like most events The Scottish Game Fair held in the grounds of Scone Palace has had a Covid enforced break for the past couple of years. This weekend it鈥檚 back with a bang and we hear live about what there is to see and do.
Euan visits Auld Reekie, a Clyde steamer ship that was built in the 1940s and had a varied career including starring as the Vital Spark in Para Handy before finding itself being restored in the Crinan boat yard.
Orkney鈥檚 historical connections with the fur trade in Canada is the subject of an album called The Orcadians of Hudson Bay by folk musician and composer Graham Rorie who features in this week鈥檚 Scotland Outdoors podcast. We hear an extract from that podcast where he tells Helen Needham about one famous Orcadian, John Rae. Rae was an explorer who was sent to find out what happened to the doomed Franklin expedition in the 1800s. We hear more about Rae and his legacy from Andrew Appleby, President of the John Rae Society.
And as Euan is back presenting, mystery bird is also back! Can you identify this week鈥檚 form just its call?