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Dè an Samh a tha Siud?

Tha rudeigin ann nach eil ceart oir tha fàile neònach air an tuathanas. Something is not right as there’s an odd smell on the farm.

Chan eil gnothaichean mar bu chòir shìos air an tuathanas oir tha samh neònach ann ach chan eil e toirt Muireall, Ailig agus Gobo ro fhada mus tuig iad gu bheil an samh a’ tighinn bho Chailean – tha e feumach air deagh bhoiseag!

Things aren’t as they should be down on the farm as there is a strange smell hanging around. It doesn’t take Muireall, Ailig and Gobo long before they figure out that it’s coming from Cailean - he needs a good wash!

11 minutes


Role Contributor
Aithris Iain Mackinnon
Cailean/Dunnagan Anna Murray
Goraidh/Caora Ellen Macdonald
Muireall/Tunnag 1 Mairi Morrison
Seann Spot/Ailig Niall Iain MacDonald
Executive Producer Bill Macleòid
Producer May Smart
Producer Mairi Macleod
Editor Phil Reed
Writer Alec MacDonald
