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Cò as Treasa?

Tha Goraidh is Muireall airson dearbhadh cò as treasa dhan an dithis aca. Goraidh and Muireall want to prove who is the bravest of the two of them.

Tha Goraidh is Muireall ri deasbad mu dhèidhinn cò as treasa dhan an dithis aca ‘s air sgàth sin, tha iad a’ cur air dòigh dùbhlain airson dearbhadh, mu dheireadh thall, cò a tha airidh air an tiotal.

Goraidh and Muireall disagree over which of the two of them is bravest and, as a result of this, they arrange challenges to confirm, once and for all, who is worthy of the title.

11 minutes


Role Contributor
Aithris/Coinneach Iain Mackinnon
Ailig Niall Iain MacDonald
Muireall Mairi Morrison
Goraidh Ellen Macdonald
