Episode 3
Confidence is high for the nine-month dog training assessment and the results are certainly surprising.
Air an t-slighe bheòthail seo, tha sinn a’ faighinn sealladh nas dlùithe air beatha còig luchd-trèanaidh bho air feadh Astrà ilia agus iad uile a’ gabhail pà irt san deuchainn againn: cuilean Kelpie a thoirt gu ìre – airson a bhith mar phà irt de sgioba nan con trusaidh.
Tha a h-uile duine misneachail airson an deuchainn aig aois naoi mìosan, agus gun teagamh sam bith, chan eil dùil ri na toraidhean. Tha piseach a’ tighinn air Lucifer agus gu h-iongantach, tha cothrom aige fhathast a bhith na Phrìomh Chù Trusaidh an ceann trì mìosan!
An action-packed yet intimate character journey about the lives of five very different Australian dog trainers as they participate in our experiment: to take a new Kelpie pup and transform it from a greenhorn to an efficient working member of the mustering pack.
Confidence is high for the nine-month assessment and the results are certainly surprising. Lucifer has turned a corner and is surprisingly still a contender to be our Champion Muster Dog in just three months time!
Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles
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