Tha Luke agus brà thair-athar, Hector, a’ farpais an aghaidh a chèile anns a’ chiad triathlon dhan dithis aca.
Luke and uncle Hector compete against each other in a triathlon.
Tha Triathlon Innse Gall a’ leantainn dithis bhon aon teaghlach agus iad a’ cur romhpa an dùbhlan spòrs as motha nam beatha fheuchainn.
’S e seo a’ chiad triathlon do Luke MacAoidh agus brà thair-athar, Hector, agus iad a’ farpais an aghaidh a chèile agus trichead farpaiseach eile air slighe spòrs nach dìochuimhnich iad a chaoidh.
As dèidh fad mhìosan a’ trèanadh, seiseanan snà imh sa mhoch-mhadainn agus ruith is rèiseadh air baidhsagal fhad ’s a tha a’ ghrian a’ dol fodha – an dèan duine dhen dithis aca a’ chùis air là mòr Triathlon Innse Gall?
Hebrides Triathlon follows the journey of two Lewis men who throw themselves head, and feet first, into the sporting challenge of their lives.
For Luke MacKay and his uncle, Hector, it was a first ever triathlon as they competed against one another, and 30 other competitors, for a sporting experience they will never forget.
After several months of training, early morning open water swimming sessions and leg-sapping runs and cycles in the fading sun - will they both manage to complete the highly-anticipated Hebrides Triathlon?
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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Role | Contributor |
Producer | Peter Macqueen |
Production Manager | Marion Maclean |
Executive Producer | Margaret Mary Murray |
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