
Andrew Mackinnon reports from Bernera on Lewis, where the community is seeking to buy the local estate. Eilidh Maciver speaks to refugees who fled Ukraine to come to Scotland.
Tha Anndra MacFhionghain ann am Beà rnaraigh Leòdhais, far a bheil iarrtas ann bhon choimhearsnachd sealbh fhaighinn air an fhearann aca fhèin. Tha Urras Leasachaidh an eilein a’ rannsachadh an gabh an oighreachd a ghabhail thairis an aghaidh toil an uachdarain agus iad a’ rà dh nacheil e airson conaltradh riutha mu na h-amasan aca.
Bliadhna às dèidh ionnsaigh na Ruis air a’ Ucrà in tha Eilidh NicÌomhair a’ bruidhinn ri fògarraich a thà ing a dh’Alba an uiridh gus faighinn a-mach dè tha fa near dhaibh is gun coltas ann gun tig an cogadh gu crìch a dh’aithghearr.
Andrew Mackinnon reports from Bernera on the west coast of Lewis, where the community is seeking to buy the local estate. The island’s community trust is investigating a buyout bid against the owner’s wishes, claiming the landowner is not engaging with them about their plans for the island.
Almost a year on from the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Eilidh Maciver speaks to refugees, who fled the country to come to Scotland, about their time here. With no imminent end to the war in sight they reflect on their experiences so far and assess what the future may hold.
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Beà rnaraigh Leòdhais

Great Bernera

Fògarraich Ugrà inianach

Thà inig Tamara à baile Kamianske, ann an sgìre Dnipro. Bha i a' fuireach an sin còmhla ris an duine aice is a nighean, Kiera, a tha ceithir bliadhna a dh'aois, agus bha i ag obair na sgrùdaire ionmhais. Dh'fhà g i fhèin 's Kiera Kamianske san Ògmhios an-uiridh. Tha iad a-nis a' fuireach còmhla ri Martin agus Carol ann an Inbhir Nis, 's tha i air obair fhaighinn sa bhaile. Tha i a' feitheamh 'son cothrom tilleadh dhachaigh airson an duine aice fhaicinn, ach tha là n dhùil aice fuireach an Alba gus an tig an cùmhnant obrach aice gu crìch.
Thogadh Victoria ann an Kyiv far an robh i a' fuireach còmhla ri a nighean nuair a thòisich an cogadh. Theich iad às a bhaile a' chiad char, ach thill iad gu Kyiv as t-samhradh agus roghnaich iad a thighinn a dh'Alba as t-fhoghar air sgà th ionnsaighean a thòisich às ùr. Tha iad air a bhith a' fuireach air an MS Ambition 'son ceithir mìosan. Bidh aca ris an t-soitheach fhà gail an ath mhìos agus chan eil fhios aca cà ite an tèid iad, no dè dìreach na roghainnean a th' aca.
‘S ann à Kharkiv air taobh sear na h-Ugrà in a tha Olena. Thà inig i fhèin agus am balach aice a dh'Alba san t-Iuchar an-uiridh. Bha i na h-òraidiche san oilthigh ann an Kharkiv. Dh'fhà g i a mà thair agus an duine aice sa bhaile. Tha i air obair fhaighinn, 's a' frithealadh chlasaichean Beurla - ESOL - agus tha i a' lorg à ite fuirich nas seamhaiche dhi fhèin 's a mac.
Ukrainian refugees

Tamara comes from the city if Kamianske in the Dnipro region of Ukraine. She lived there with her 4-year-old daughter Kiera, and worked as a financial analyst. She and Kiera left Kamianske in June last year. They now live with a hosts Martin and Carol in Inverness where Tamara also now works. She is waiting for the opportunity to return to Ukraine to be reunited with her husband but expects to remain in Scotland until her employment contract comes to an end.
Victoria was brought up in Kyiv where she lived with her daughter before the war. They fled Kyiv in the immediate aftermath of the invasion but returned to the city last summer. They were forced to leave again in the autumn after renewed attacks and came to Scotland. They have been living on the MS Ambition for 4 months but will need to leave the vessel next month and they don’t as yet know where they will go or what their options are.
Olena is from Kharkiv in eastern Ukraine where she worked as a lecturer. She and her son arrived in Scotland in July last year, while her husband and her mother remained in Ukraine. She attends English classes and is looking for more long term accommodation for herself and her son.
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- Sun 19 Feb 2023 20:00
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