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Mi-Shealbhach, Zac

Episode 36 of 52

Tha Pip is Posy nan glòraidh leis na stòraidhean aca ach chan eil Zac cho toilichte. Pip and Posy are in their element with stories, but Zac isn’t so happy.

Tha e a’ còrdadh cho mòr ri Pip is Posy a’ bhith a’ leughadh nan sgeulachdan aca. Chan eil sealbh le Zac leis an sgeulachd aigesan oir tha an t-uabhas de dhuilgheadasan a’ cur bacadh air. Tha Pip agus Posy airson a chuideachadh.

Pip and Posy enjoy reading their stories very much. Zac doesn’t have much luck with his storytelling and a lot of problems hinder him. Pip and Posy want to help.

7 minutes


Role Contributor
Posy Mischa Macpherson
Pip Eilidh MacCarmaig
Zac Koren Pickering
Francaidh Maia Murray Pickering
Jamila Jayne Macleod
Producer May Smart
Producer Mairi Macleod
Editor Phil Reed
Writer Alec MacDonald
