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Ealasaid a’ Campachadh/Célestine goes to Camp
Episode 23 of 26
All of the mouse children are leaving on a vacation to camp at 'The Young Mice'. Célestine would like to go as well, but she’s never been to camp before.
Tha na luchagan beaga a’ dol air saor-làithean gu campa nan “Luchagan Òga”. Chòrdadh e le Ealasaid a dhol ann cuideachd ach, cha robh I a-riamh roimhe aig campa agus cha robh I a-riamh na beatha ann an àite sam bith às aonais Oscar!
All of the mouse children are leaving for vacation to go to camp at 'The Young Mice'. Célestine would like to go as well, but she’s never been to camp before, and has certainly never left without Ernest!
Last on
Sat 1 Jun 2024
Role | Contributor |
Production Company | Solus Productions |