The Party Playlist with H Episodes Episode guide
H from Steps has your ultimate party playlist. Not just for Fridays!
The Pride Party Playlist, Part 3
H from Steps has the third of his Pride Month party playlists.
The Pride Party Playlist, Part 2
H from Steps brings another party playlist to celebrate Pride Month.
Pride Party Playlist Part 1
H from Steps has your ultimate party playlist to kick off Pride Month.
H from Steps has your ultimate party playlist. Not just for Fridays!
Summer Vibes
H from Steps has your ultimate party playlist full of summery tunes to brighten your day.
H from Steps' Eurovision Party
Turn up H's pick of Eurovision hits from down the years.
H from Steps has your ultimate party playlist. Not just for Fridays!
Featuring Rachel Stevens, Ellie Goulding, a-ha, Ed Sheeran and more
Huge Dance Anthems
H from Steps with a party playlist full of huge dance anthems.
Girl Bands v Boy Bands
H from Steps has a party playlist of girl bands versus boy bands.
Going Solo
H from Steps has a party playlist of artists who went out on their own.
Girl Band-Tastic
H from Steps has a party playlist of girl bands, from The Bangles to The Spice Girls.
Bring on the Boy Bands
H from Steps has a party playlist of boy bands, from The Beatles to Boyzone!
Made in Wales
H from Steps has a party playlist of artists from Wales.
H from Steps with an extra party mix for your pod as we head towards 2024.
The Christmas Mix
H from Steps has your ultimate Christmas party playlist.
The Party Playlist Goes To The Movies
H from Steps takes you to the movies with a playlist of film tracks.
Nothing but the Nineties
H from Steps has your ultimate 90s party playlist.
It's All About the Eighties!
H from Steps has your ultimate party playlist.
It's Disco-tastic!
H from Steps has your ultimate party playlist, featuring classic disco hits.
H from Steps has your ultimate party playlist.
H from Steps has your ultimate party playlist.
H from Steps has your ultimate party playlist.
H from Steps has your ultimate party playlist.
H from Steps has your ultimate party playlist.
H from Steps has your ultimate party playlist.
Katie Owen sits in
Katie Owen sits in for H with your ultimate party playlist.
Katie Owen sits in
Katie Owen sits in for H with your ultimate party playlist.
Katie Owen sits in
Katie Owen sits in for H with your ultimate party playlist!