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Faigheann Conor léargas ar thráma trasghlúineach a phobail féin tríd an scríbhneoireacht.

Faigheann Conor léargas faoi leith ar thráma trasghlúineach a phobail féin atá ag maireachtáil i dtréimhse iar-choinbhleachta an lae inniu trí scríbhneoireacht chruthaitheach Scríbhneoirí an tSléibhe, meitheal scríbhneoirí atá lonnaithe i mBéal Feirste agus a bunaíodh mar thacaíocht do mhuintir na háite.

San eagrán seo, labhraíonn Conor le Feargal Mac Ionnrachtaigh (42), stiúrthóir Glór na Móna agus duine de bhunaitheoirí Féile na gCloigíní Gorma, féile sláinte agus folláine i mBéal Feirste as ar fáisceadh an grúpa Scríbhneoirí an tSléibhe. Leanann Conor stair s’acu ó shin i leith, ag labhairt le lucht a leanta a fhaigheann faoiseamh tríd an scríbhneoireacht.
Is léiriú de chuid Corcra Media é Scríbhneoirí an tSléibhe do ´óÏó´«Ã½ Gaeilge agus RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta, le maoiniú ó Chiste Craoltóireachta Gaeilge, Scáileáin Thuaisceart Éireann.

Conor explores intergenerational trauma and how it manifests in a post-conflict society through the experiences and creative writings of Scríbhneoirí an tSléibhe, a Belfast based creative writing group set up to tackle mental health problems faced by members of the community. Conor is in a bid to expand on his own understanding of the society he grew up in twenty two years ago and to help him work towards his ambition of becoming a writer.

This episode features Feargal Mac Ionnrachtaigh (42), director of Glór na Móna and one of the founding members of Féile na gCloigíní Gorma, a health and wellbeing festival in Belfast out of which Scríbhneoirí an tSléibhe (‘Writers of the Mountain’) was born. Conor explores the gift of healing through writing as experienced by the emerging writers at a festival.
Produced by Corcra Media for ´óÏó´«Ã½ Gaeilge and RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta, with support from Northern Ireland Screen’s Irish Language Broadcast Fund.

30 minutes

Last on

Tue 15 Aug 2023 19:30


  • Tue 15 Aug 2023 19:30