Niall Iain D貌mhnallach le blas bhon d脿rna latha aig an fh猫is. Niall Iain Macdonald introduces performances from the second day of the festival.
Taghadh m矛orbhaileach de ch貌mhlain, sheinneadairean agus luchd-ci霉il a-nochd air an d脿rna latha den fh猫is chi霉il seo. Bheir Niall-Iain D貌mhnallach f脿ilte dhuibh do shealladh farsaing air F猫is TRNSMT le c貌mhlain a chluichd air an 脌rd-l脿ir agus l脿r King Tut鈥檚. Tha an fh猫is bhliadhnail ga cumail ann an Glaschu agus bidh Niall Iain gar sti霉ireadh tro na h-amannan ce貌lmhor agus na t脿lantan tarraingneach aig TRNSMT am bliadhna nam measg cuid de na cleasaichean pop, roc, hip hop agus ce貌l indie as fhe脿rr. Faigh tlachd bho sh脿r th脿lant ci霉il agus fealla-dh脿 bho TRNSMT.
Niall Iain MacDonald gives us the full flavour of the fantastic bands, singers and musicians who appeared on the second day of this music festival. The annual event is held at Glasgow Green, and Niall Iain hosts live coverage featuring select performers from the Main Stage and King Tut鈥檚 Stage. This programme will offer a chance to enjoy some stand-out performances with some of the best pop, rock, hip-hop and indie music acts. Enjoy top music talent and fun from TRNSMT.
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- Sat 8 Jul 2023 21:00