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Peicein/Petit Episodes Available now
Chan eil caraid ann coltach riumsa!/I’m the best friend who ever existed!—Series 1
26/26 There's a new girl in school, Anna.
Lorgaidh mi an ceangal eadarainn uile!/I’ll find the missing link between us all!—Series 1
4/26 Petit and his friends must draw what they imagine the prehistoric missing link looks like.
Leams’ a tha ’n fhiacail – cha toir duin’ air falbh i!/My tooth is my own and no one can take it away!—Series 1
3/26 Petit has a loose tooth and is not willing to hand it to the tooth mouse!
Cuiridh mi mi fhìn à sealladh!/I’ll make myself invisible!—Series 1
2/26 To avoid Bruno, the bully of the class, Petit decides he has the power of invisibility.
Tha mo pheataichean mas-fhìor – fìor!—Series 1
1/26 Petit wants to have a pet dog, but his parents give him a boring bird.