The creative story of a moving personal musical tribute to the 1920s mass emigration from the Western Isles.
Air Disathairne 21 An Giblean 1923, sheòl an SS Metagama à Steòrnabhagh a Chanada. Air bòrd bha na ceudan de dh’ eileanaich òga a chur cruadal nan eilean as dèidh a’ Chiad Chogaidh agus call uabhasach na h-Iolaire air an cùlaibh ’s iad a’ sireadh cothroman ùra.
Ceud bliadhna as dèidh sin, chruthaich an neach-ciùil, Liza Mulholland, agus an sgrìobhadair, Dòmhnall S. Moireach, cuirm-chiùil shònraichte, pearsanta, drùidhteach mar chuimhneachan air an fheadhainn a dh’fhalbh às na h-Eileanan an Iar a Chanada agus Aimeireaga trà th sna 20an. Seo agad an sgeulachd chruthachail aca.
On Saturday 21 April 1923, the SS Metagama departed Stornoway, bound for Canada. Aboard were hundreds of young islanders who were leaving the hardship of island life after the First World War and the Iolaire disaster, in search of new opportunities.
One hundred years on, musician Liza Mulholland collaborated with writer Donald S Murray to create a unique and moving, personal musical tribute to the island communities affected by the 1920s mass emigration from the Western Isles to Canada and America. This is the story of their creative journey.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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