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Another Body: My AI Porn Nightmare

A Storyville documentary that follows a college student's investigation after she discovers that her face has been digitally altered to appear in online hardcore porn videos.

When 22-year-old American engineering student Taylor discovers that her face has been digitally altered to appear in online hardcore porn videos, she is devastated and doesn't know who to trust or what to do.

The police tell Taylor that what this person did is not even a crime, but when she learns that a fellow student, Julia, has also been targeted, she and Julia take the investigation into their own hands, diving into the underground world of deepfake technology and discovering a society of men who terrorise women.

Available now

1 hour, 15 minutes


Role Contributor
Director Sophie Compton
Director Reuben Hamlyn
Writer Sophie Compton
Writer Isabel Freeman
Writer Reuben Hamlyn


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