Episode 8
Ramsay MacMahon takes a stroll on the beach with Ingrid Henderson.
Tha Ramsay MacMahon a’gabhail cuairt air an trà igh cuide ri Ingrid NicEanraig.
Ramsay MacMahon walks along the beaches of Morar in the company of musician Ingrid Henderson. As they follow the coastline of pristine white sand and rocky outcrops Ingrid discusses everything from her life and family to her career in music.
Through personal stories and in-depth conversation, Ingrid reveals her connection and attachment to the area and shares with Ramsay how it has inspired her to compose music. She talks about how a place can offer solace as well as restoration in a busy world.
As they walk along Camusdarach beach she regales Ramsay with stories of how it was used as a location in the film Local Hero.
Tha Ramsay MacMahon air trà ighean Mhòrair cuide ris an tè-ciùil Ingrid NicEanraig. A’còmhradh ’s a’coiseachd thar trà ighean breà gha glan is timcheall rubhannan tha Ingrid a’meòmhrachadh air a beatha, a teaghlach agus a dreuchd ann an ceòl.
Tro sgeulachdan pearsanta agus dlùth chòmhradh tha Ingrid a’ fuasgladh suas mu a dà imh agus ceangal ris an sgìre ‘s mar a tha sin air a brosnachadh gus ceòl a sgrìobhadh. Tha i den bheachd gun tabhainn à ite sònraichte gach cuid sòlas agus ùrachadh dhuinn nar beatha dhripeil.
A’coiseachd air A’ Chamas Daraich, tha Ingrid ag innse sgeulachdan do Ramsay man à m a chleachdar an trà igh airson am fiolm Local Hero.
In Gaelic with English subtitles.
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Ramsay MacMahon |
Interviewed Guest | Ingrid Henderson |
Series Producer | Faye MacLean |
Director | Ramsay MacMahon |
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