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O, Nuair a Bha Mise Og!

Episode 13 of 14

Ian McRamsay is presenting a programme where he interviews people about their hobbies when they were younger. Some of the things they used to do were quite…interesting!

Tha Iain MacRamsay anns an stiùideo còmhla ri Uilleam, Seonaidh, Seocaidh agus Griogar, a’ cluinntinn mu na cur-seachadan a bh’ aca nuair a bha iad òg…ach cha robh a h-uile rud a bhiodh iad a’ dèanamh cho àbhaisteach sin!

Ian McRamsay is presenting a programme where he interviews people about their hobbies when they were younger. Some of the things they used to do were quite…interesting!

Release date:

5 minutes

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