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Còisir - Mgr M!

Episode 13 of 16

Primary school teacher Iain-Murdo talks about the work he does running the youth choir at the Gaelic Primary.

Tha an tidsear bun-sgoile Iain-Murdo a’ bruidhinn air an obair a tha e a’ dèanamh a’ ruith Còisir Òigridh Inbhir Nis. Faic dè bhrosnaich Iain-Murdo gu bhith a’ teagasg, a’ seinn agus a’ cruthachadh còisir còmhla ri Kristeen Russell. Tha e a’ cur a h-uile càil dhan obair a tha e a’ dèanamh dhan chòisir.

Primary school teacher Iain-Murdo talks about the work he does running the youth choir at the Gaelic Primary. See what inspires him to teach, sing and form a choir, with Kristeen Russell. He puts everything into his work for the choir, and it pays off.

Release date:

5 minutes

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