The Easy Wellness Podcast with Vinny Hurrell & Cate Conway Series 1 Episodes Episode guide
Back up to: The Easy Wellness Podcast with Vinny Hurrell & Cate Conway
EP 23 - Our People Pleasing episode, with Lizzie Moult
People pleasing can lead to burnout and resentment.
EP 18 - Our SOCIAL ANXIETY episode with Ellen Hendriksen
Overcome social anxiety, one step at a time.
EP 22 - Our MEDITATION episode, with Bridgeen Rea-Kaya
Simple steps to help you relax and sleep better.
EP 21 - Our NEW YEAR episode. Take the pressure off yourself and adopt a positive mindset
A change in our thinking can make the day-to-day easier.
EP 20 - Our Getting through the holiday season episode, with Noel McDermott
The holidays can be hard for some.
EP 19 - Our INSOMNIA episode, with Kathryn Pinkham
To help you sleep better.
EP 17 - Our Winter Nutrition episode, with Jane McClenaghan
Do you struggle to feel good in winter?
EP 16 - Our BRAIN FOG perimenopause episode, with Dr T
Give yourself a break. You are doing your best!
EP 15 - Our intro to OCD THOUGHTS episode. With Paul McCarroll
You are not alone. You can deal with these thoughts.
EP 14 - Our SAD episode. Seasonal Affective Disorder with, Counsellor and Psychotherapist Lindsay George
Changes in the seasons can affect our moods.
EP 13 - Our SELF LOVE episode with specialist, Conor Creighton
Now is the time to be kind to yourself.
EP 12 - Our GRIEF & LOSS episode. Eleanor Ellerslie & Jill Gordon from 'Cruse Bereavement Support' join us
Help is out there for you.
EP 11 - Our TEEN CALMING episode. Dr T talks us through how to calm a distressed child/teen
TV doctor and psychiatrist Dr T helps us out.
EP 10 - Our TAPPING episode, with EFT practitioner Shauna Corr
Tapping your way to a more relaxed life.
EP 9 - Our SELF-CARE episode with Performance Coach, Pat Divilly
How do I feel? What do I need?
EP 8 - Our GOOD DEED episode. Being kind to others can help your own wellbeing
We delve into why you will feel good, when you do good.
EP 7 - Our SOUND HEALING episode, with Tessa Ann
A practical demonstration of sound healing.
EP 6 - Our RELATIONSHIP episode. Relationship expert Sarah Louise Ryan
Sarah Louise gives us specific tips on how to help.
EP 5 – Our EXAM COPING episode. We learn how to approach difficult situations like examinations and job interviews
Positive psychology practitioner Kyle McDowell is our guest.
EP 4 – Our BREATHWORK episode. Ciaran May helps us to use our breath to control our mind and body
Human performance coach Ciaran May helps us harness the power of our own breath.
EP 3 - Our STRESS episode. Psychotherapist Petra Velzeboer gives us simple techniques to manage stress
We're all stressed, but how we handle it can have a massive impact on our lives.
EP 2 - Our BE CALM episode. TJ Power explains how to be calm, plus meditation coach Ann Ward takes us forest bathing
Neuroscientist TJ Power explains the science of being calm.
EP 1 - Gerry Hussey tells us how to de-clutter our minds
Finding ways to make your life a little easier.
Bonus Episode - 1
Laughter therapy
Something to make your life, a little easier