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Ri Linn Ghumbaltroin
Episode 52 of 52
Chan eil duine ag iarraidh òrdain a ghabhail bho Throig an-diugh! No one wants to take orders from Tink today!
Chan eil duine ’g iarraidh òrdain a ghabhail bho Throig an-diugh – ‘s le sin, tha e a' dèanamh suas inntinn ròbot a chruthachadh dha fhèin – An Gumbaltroin - ’son cobhair a thoirt dha. Dè idir a b’ urrainn a dhol ceà rr?
No one wants to take orders from Tink today. As a result, he decides to build his own robot to help him get things done - the Gumbletron. What could possibly go wrong?
Last on
Mon 13 May 2024
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- Mon 13 May 2024 18:25