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Cho Tinn ri Cù

Episode 28 of 52

Tha Belle air a puinnseanachadh – cò dhèanadh rud cho olc air Belle bhochd? Belle has been poisoned, who would do such an evil thing to poor Belle?

Tha Belle bhochd air a puinnseanachadh. Cò dhèanadh leithid a rud? Uill Anton, sin cò. Tha Sebastian, le taic bho Adele, a' dèanamh a dhìcheall Belle a shàbhaladh 's a tilleadh dhachaigh.

Belle has been poisoned. Who would do such a thing? Anton, that’s who. Sebastian, with help from Adele, does his utmost to save Belle and bring her home.

12 minutes


Role Contributor
Sebastian Ellen Macdonald
Adele Mischa Macpherson
Jules Alec MacDonald
Anton Derek Murray
Casper Calum MacKinnon
Executive Producer Bill Macleòid
Producer May Smart
Producer Mairi Macleod
Writer Alec MacDonald
