Club nan Luchag/The Mouse Club
C茅lestine would like to go to the beach to play at the Mouse Club, but Ernest doesn't like the beach.
Tha Ealasaid airson a dhol chun na tr脿ghad a chluich aig Club nan Luchag. Cha toil le Oscar a bhith sh矛os air an tr脿igh: tha i ro theth is th猫id do losgadh leis a鈥 ghr猫in. Ach tha Ealasaid a' cumail air, is mu dheireadh thall tha e ag atharrachadh inntinn. Tha an dithis aca a' t貌iseachadh ri ullachadh airson an turais aca, ach chan e Ealasaid a-mh脿in a th鈥 airson a dhol s矛os chun na tr脿ghad.
C茅lestine would like to go to the beach to play at the Mouse Club. Ernest doesn't like the beach, as it's hot and you get sunburnt. Through perseverance, Ce虂lestine convinces Ernest to go, and the two friends start preparing their trip. However, the beach is a dream shared by others, not just Ce虂lestine.
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