Ramsay visits Split for an action-packed holiday in the sunshine. Tha Ramsay a’tadhal air Split airson là ithean-saora luma là n spòrs sa ghrèin.
Ramsay MacMahon is off on his travels as he visits Europe’s fascinating cities to see the sights, meet the locals and learn about their cultures. As well as exploring some of the cities’ main attractions, he also discovers their quirkier side to bring you his own unique guide.
In this programme, Ramsay visits the historical Croatian city of Split for a fun holiday in the sun. Ramsay experiences the thrill of ziplining, discovers the art of Fjaka, paddleboarding in the Adriatic Sea and playing Picigin, a beach game whose origins are in Split.
He finds out about the Roman history of Diocletian’s Palace in the centre of Split and spends the night in a tower built by nuns seeking refuge from the Ottomans. Ramsay goes truffle-hunting with chef Devi and her two dogs before enjoying a three-course meal based on truffles which, until now, he hasn’t been the biggest fan of.
Tha Ramsay MacMahon ma sgaoil is e a’dèanamh air an Roinn Eòrpa airson cuid dhe bhailtean-mòra iongantach fhaicinn ‘s coinneachadh ri muinntir an à ite son fiosrachadh mun chultar aca.
Cuide ri na prìomh sheallaidhean, chì sinn na h-annasan a th’aca ri thabhann bho ar treòraiche-chuairtean a tha a’ cuir a dhreach fhèin air cùisean.
Sa phrògram seo tha Ramsay a’ tadhal air Split, prìomh bhaile eachdraidheil Chroatia airson là ithean sona sa ghrèin.
A-measg an spòrs tha dol tarsainn abhainn air uèir fruis, ag ionnsachadh sgilean Fjaka, air bòrd-pleadhaige san Adria agus a’ cluiche Picigin, geama dlùth do Split.
Tha e faighinn a-mach mu eachdraidh Ròmanach Lùchairt Diocletian agus a’cadal na h-oidhche ann an tùr a thogar le mnathan crà bhaidh a bha sireadh dhìon bho na h-Otomanaich.
Leis a’ chòcà ire Devi ‘s a trì coin, tha e a’ lorg thrufailean mas suidh e sìos ga’n ithe ‘s –thuige seo!– cha robh idir measail orra.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Ramsay MacMahon |
Director | Peggy May Chapple |
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