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Am Baile as Fheàrr aig Tuath/Top Town of the North

Dave has a bad day and tells a news reporter that Grimsby is rubbish. When his words are aired on the news, his whole seaside town turns against him.

Tha droch latha aig Pòl is gun smaoineachadh, ann an agallamh le neach-naidheachd, tha e ag ràdh gu bheil Grodanais cianail. Nuair a tha seo air a shealltainn air na naidheachdan, tha am baile air fad a’ tionndadh na aghaidh. Le cuideachadh bho charaidean agus sionnach, tha Pòl a’ cur chùisean ceart le bhith a’ clàradh bhidio mu dheidhinn na rudan a tha math mun bhaile.

Dave has a bad day and tells a news reporter that Grimsby is rubbish. When his words are aired on the news, his whole seaside town turns against him. With the help of his friends and a rogue fox, Dave makes amends by shooting a film about all the great things that Grimsby has to offer.

11 minutes
