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Pillow Queens

Fiona MacKenzie and Niall Iain MacDonald welcome guitar rock from Irish quartet Pillow Queens to Belladrum.

Belladrum 2024 Ep 7/33 (iPlayer only)

Pillow Queens aig Belladrum 2024.
Pillow Queens onstage at Belladrum 2024.

Pillow Queens, ceathrar à Èirinn, a’ toirt giotàr rock gu Àrd-ùrlair a’ Ghàrraidh.
Irish quartet Pillow Queens bring guitar rock to the Garden Stage at Belladrum.

Fiona NicChoinnich agus Niall Iain Dòmhnallach a’ cur fàilte gu Belladrum air a’ cheòl giotàr rock aig Pillow Queens. Bha bliadhna thrang aig a’ chòmhlan an-uiridh. Tron cheòl ùr-ghnàthach aca tha na trì clàran a sgaoil iad air soirbheachadh agus tro clàr-chuairtean thrang tha iad air luchd-leantainn dìleas a chosnadh.

Fiona MacKenzie and Niall Iain MacDonald welcome guitar rock from Irish quartet Pillow Queens to Belladrum. The last year has been busy for the band. Their innovative sound has ensured that all three of the band’s albums have been successful and a busy tour schedule has earned them a loyal fanbase.

Release date:

4 months left to watch

30 minutes

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