Electro-rock comes to Belladrum as rEDOLENT perform a lively acoustic set.
Electro-rock aig Belladrum ann an riochd rEDOLENT le seisean acoustic beòthail. Ann an ùine ghoirid tha an còmhlan à Dùn Èideann air à ite a lorg dhaibh pèin ann an saoghal a’ chiùil, a’ cruinneachadh dhuaisean agus a’ nochdadh aig cuirmean beò air feadh na dùthcha.
Electro-rock comes to Belladrum as rEDOLENT perform a lively acoustic set. In a short time, the talented Edinburgh band have made their mark on the music scene, winning awards, and playing live all over the country.
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Ceòl bho fhèis Belladrum. Music from the Belladrum festival.
Music in Scotland
Perfomances in Scotland and programmes featuring Scottish acts.
Belladrum 2024 Highlights
Ceòl bho fhèis Belladrum. Music from the Belladrum festival.