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Viva Mary

Mary, a remarkable 90-year-old, defies norms with her zest for life. This film explores her journey through feminism, emigration, art, education and sailing.

Mary, a remarkable 90-year-old, defies norms with her zest for life. This film explores her journey through feminism, emigration, art, education and sailing, highlighting the changing role of women today.

Tha Màiri, boireannach iongantach a tha 90 bliadhna a dh’aois, a’ dol an aghaidh na tha àbhaisteach le a dìorras airson a bhith beò. Tha am film seo a’ sgrùdadh a slighe tro fheimineachas, eilthireachd, ealain, foghlam, agus seòladh, a’ sealltainn mar a tha atharrachadh air a thighinn air boireannaich san latha an-diugh.

52 minutes

Last on

Mon 30 Dec 2024 23:00
