Episode 8
Mairi Rodgers explores Kailzie Gardens near Peebles. Tha Mà iri Rodgers a’ gabhail cuairt tro Ghà rraidhean Kailzie faisg air na Pùballan.
Mairi Rodgers explores the beauty, history and diversity of some of the finest and most important gardens in the country. As well as enjoying the colours, smells and designs of the gardens, Mairi finds out about the science and conservation work being done at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and Logan, the royal history at Floors Castle and Falkland Palace Gardens, wonders at the topiary at Levens Hall in Cumbria and poisonous plants at the Alnwick Garden.
Mairi travels to Kailzie Gardens near Peebles, where she finds out about their historic glasshouses, visits the rose garden, goes on a woodland walk and has a go at catching a trout at the their fishery pond.
Tèarlach Quinnell tells us about the meanings attributed to flowers.
Cluinnidh Mà iri Rodgers mu ailleachd, eachdraidh agus eadar-dhealachaidh feadhainn dhan na gà rraidhean as breagha agus as cudromaiche san dùthaich. A barrachd air dathan, fà ilidhean agus stoidhle nan gà rraidhean, ionnsaichidh Mà iri mun obair saidheansail agus glèidhteachais a tha ga dhèanamh aig Gà rradh Rìoghail Lusan Dhùn Èideann agus Lògan, ionnsaichidh i mun eachdraidh rìoghail aig Caisteal Floors agus Lùchairt Falkland, gà bhaidh i iongnadh air an topiary aig Levens Hall ann an Cumbria agus cluinnidh i mu dheidhinn na lusan puinnseanta aig An Gà rradh Alnwick.
Sa phrògram seo, thig Mà iri a Ghà rraidhean Kailzie faisg air na Pùballan far an cluinn i mu na taighean-glainne eachdraidheal, thig i a thadhail air gà rradh nan ròsan, gabhaidh i cuairt tron choille agus feuchaidh i ri breac a ghlacadh san lochan-iasgaich aca. Innsidh Tèarlach Quinnell dhuinn mu’n bhrìgh a tha cò-cheangailte ri flùraichean.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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