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Episode 49 of 52

Tha cuilean ag adhbharachadh tòrr trioblaid an-diugh. A puppy is causing plenty of mishaps today.

Tha Belle is Sebastian a' tighinn tarsainn air cuilean Joules, a tha air fhàgail a-muigh. Tha iad truasail air a shon is, ri linn sin, tha ‘ad ga thoirt leotha. Abair g’ eil iad a' gabhail aithreachais ge-tà - oir 's e fìor phlàigh a th' ann!

Belle and Sebastian come across Joules’s puppy, who has been left outside. They feel sorry for him and take him with them - but he turns out to be a real pest!

12 minutes
