Máire Bhreathnach
Toghchán ó Dheas, Seachtain FrithbhulaÃochta, Alexander McCartney, Dúnmharú Katie Simpson. Election in Republic, Anti-Bullying Week, Alexander McCartney, Katie Simpson murder.
Tá Seachtain FrithbhulaÃochta buailte linn agus tá an sÃciteiripeoir Bronagh Starrs linn le labhairt faoi na cineálacha tromaÃochta a bhÃonn ar siúl i measc déagóirà na saolta seo. Ar an phainéal cainte tá na hiriseoirà MáirÃn Nà Ghadhra agus Harry McGee, agus iad ag plé an toghcháin ó dheas, chomh maith le coireanna uafásacha Alexander McCartney agus sraith úr theilifÃse ar an ´óÏó´«Ã½ faoin chás. Fosta, i ndiaidh tuarascáil cháinteach ón Ombudsman don PhóilÃniú i dTuaisceart Éireann mar gheall ar an iniúchadh – nó easpa iniúchta – ar dhúnmharú Katie Simpson, pléitear na ceachtanna atá le foghlaim ag an PSNI ó na teipeanna sin.
For Anti-Bullying Week we hear from psychotherapist Bronagh Starrs about the kinds of bullying which teenagers engage in. Journalists MáirÃn Nà Ghadhra and Harry McGee are on our panel to discuss the forthcoming election south of the border, as well as the terrible crimes of Alexander McCartney, in the light of a new ´óÏó´«Ã½ series on the case. Also, after a damning report from the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland on the investigation – or lack of investigation – of the murder of Katie Simpson, we discuss the lessons that the PSNI should learn from those failures.
An craoladh is déanaÃ
- Céad 13 Samh 2024 19:30´óÏó´«Ã½ Radio Foyle & ´óÏó´«Ã½ Radio Ulster