Autumn Adventures
A spiritual comment and prayer to start the day with Alexandra Drew
A spiritual comment and prayer to start the day with Alexandra Drew
Good Morning,
When my boys were young, autumn was a time for adventures and treasure hunting — you’d see them in the woods, or under trees in the park in their little wellies and waterproof overalls finding acorns, conkers, chestnuts, special leaves – and not forgetting those huge sticks that had to be hauled home for some undetermined purpose.
Once home, they’d craft their finds into little people and big weapons, and we’d decorate the house with creation’s bounty.
These times were no less special than our summers of finding shells and feathers on the beach, digging deep holes in the sand, and eating ice creams in the sun.
It seems that Autumn is finally getting the recognition it deserves. On social media friends can’t wait to announce the change in season, showing off their gorgeous pictures of transformed golden landscapes, twinkly lights, and pumpkin spiced lattes.
Likewise, the autumn of our lives has much to commend it. For many people, later life is a season to devote time to passions, to help with grandchildren, to notice and enjoy things again, to explore the world, and for some to serve God more richly.
So today, I pray for older people. Heavenly Father, thank you, for the changing seasons and for your promise in the Bible that you will be with us in each one. Thank you that older people everywhere are embracing their autumn and their winter years. Help us who are still in the summer of our lives to cheer on our older friends, to love them through their golden season, and to see for ourselves your goodness to us for the whole of our lives.