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Am Builgean a B’ fheàrr a Rinn Blor/Bop’s Best Bubble

Bop is experimenting with a new kind of bubble. Abney, Teal, Neep and the Poc-Pocs have a great time playing with Bop’s musical creations.

Tha Blor a’ feuchainn ri builgeanan ùra a shèideadh. Tha e a’ còrdadh ri Àtaidh, Tilidh agus Nìp a bhith a’ cluich le na builgeanan ceòlmhor aig Blor, gus am fàs cùisean ro bhuilgeanach!

Bop is experimenting with a new kind of bubble. Abney, Teal, Neep and the Poc-Pocs have a great time playing with Bop’s musical creations. That is until things get a bit too bubbly!

11 minutes
