Taigh-chairtean/A House of Cards
Fire has threatened Notre-Dame’s structure. Analysing its vaults, researchers unveil its history and decipher the secrets of its past resistance.
Air a togail san dà rna linn deug ann am meadhan Paris (air an Île de la Cité), aig aon à m b' e Notre-Dame a' chathair-eaglais a b' à irde air thalamh. Tha an t-soitheach aibhseach cloiche seo a' riochdachadh ailtireachd Gotach. Ach tha a seasmhachd a-nise ann an cunnart.
Rinn an teine milleadh air cothromachd an togalaich. Chaidh am mullach a sgrios, còmhla ris a' chliath iongantaich fiodha seo – air a dèanamh de mhìle craobh daraich – 's chaidh a losgadh san teine. Ach fhathast cha do thuit Notre-Dame. Dè as coireach gu bheil i cho là idir? Am measg an sprùillich chaidh iomadh ceangal meatailt a lorg, cuid de mheud iongantach. An robh iad nam pà irt dhen chiad dhealbhadh no nach robh? An gabhadh e a bhith gun do dh'fhuiling Notre-Dame trioblaidean structarail eile tro na linntean?
Leanaidh sinn gu dlùth an luchd-saidheans is na h-ailtirean is iad a' sgrùdadh a' chliath iongantach fiodha is meatailt a bh' air cùl na cloiche. Le cuideachadh bho dhealbhan 3D agus ath-achdachaidhean gheibh sinn tuigse air toiseach an togalaich mhòrail seo.
Built in the 12th century in the center of Paris (on Île de la Cité), Notre-Dame was once the world's highest cathedral. This gigantic stone structure is the very essence of Gothic architecture. But today, its stability is compromised.
The fire greatly damaged the building's structure. Its roof was completely destroyed, as well as its incredible wooden frame, made of a thousand oaks, which was swallowed by the flames. Still, Notre-Dame did not collapse. What are the secrets of this exceptional strength? Amongst the wreckage, many metal fasteners were found, some of incredible size. Were they part of the original design or not? Is it possible that Notre-Dame encountered other structural problems throughout the centuries?
We closely follow scientists and architects as they study the impressive skeleton of wood and metal which hid behind the stone. Supported by 3D animations as well as re-enactments, their interventions allow us to grasp the genesis of this monumental structure.
Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles
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- Tue 10 Dec 2024 21:00
- Sun 15 Dec 2024 21:00